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Re: Несросшийся перелом шейки бедра
Marc F. Swiontkowski, M.D. 28 Март 2002, 00:13
reccomend Valgus osteotmy as reported by Marti et al JBJS Br 1989

AVN was not necessarily related to a poor functional outcome
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    Re: Несросшийся перелом шейки бедра
    Edward Harvey 28 Март 2002, 00:29
    > reccomend Valgus osteotmy as reported by Marti et al JBJS Br 1989
    > AVN was not necessarily related to a poor functional outcome
    > At 09:19 AM 3/27/02 +0500, you wrote:
    I agree with Marc- this is what I have been doing. There is the option of a free vascularized fibular graft. There has been at least one report by the Duke group (not published yet) of 20 patients with femoral neck nonunion that have been treated with success in this manner. It doesn't change the mechanics of the hip or gait and allows for easier revision to Total hip


    Edward J Harvey MDCM FRCSC
    McGill University
    Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
    Hand and Microvascular/ Trauma
    Medical Director Fracture/Bone Metabolism
    Jo Miller Research Laboratories
    Montreal General Hospital
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