Re: Несросшийся перелом шейки бедра
послал Thomas A. DeCoster 28 Март 2002, 00:15
I also have had reasonable success with valgus producing intertrochanteric osteotomy for femoral neck nonunion especially when the neck shaft angle is down to 90 degrees as in these two cases.
Marti RK, Schuller HM Rayymakers ELFB
Intertrochanteric osteotomy for non-union of the femoral neck JBJS Br 1989;782-787.
50 patients with femoral neck nonunion treated with "Pauwels abduction osteotomy" followed 7 years. 7 (14%) went on to arthroplasty (and these did well despite the osteotomy). Other 43 OK with hip score average 91/100. 21 cases had AVN preop but only 3 went on to arthroplasty.
Also two textbooks F. Pauwels Biomechanics of the Normal and Diseased Hip J Schatzker The intertrochanteric osteotomy (Both Springer-Verlag)
Tom DeCoster
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