Re: Несращение бедра
послал James Carr 11 Апрель 2002, 08:50
I agree with the retrograde votes. Arthrolysis/ quad release will help take the stress off the repair, and is important.
Bone graft is good idea. Be prepared to use a Kuntschner nonunion chisel (?source) to make a medullary canal. Drive it up using a-p, lat fluoro, them pass the bulb tip. I am not a fan of lengthing in the face of nonunion. I find nearly all are so happy to get their leg healed, they never want to see an ortho surgeon again. Lengthing complicates the whole matter, but I know some experts are good at it. Jim Carr
James B. Carr, MD
Palmetto Health Orthopedics
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