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Re: Огнестрельный перелом бедра в аппарате
Tom DeCoster 05 Май 2002, 11:36
I'm happy to provide moral support. I know for a fact that it is possible to obtain good healing with an intramedullary nail after external fixation as I've seen dozens of successful cases. So in this instance you should watch
and wait and if this patient has a problem with infection then treat it. If he doesn't, great for everyone. Intramedullary nailing is fundamentally an excellent technique (mechanically and physiologically) and will overcome many (but not all) technical and situational problems.

That doesn't mean that you should keep nailing them until you experience an unacceptable infection rate. Especially with HIV + etc.

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    Re: Огнестрельный перелом бедра в аппарате
    Manuel Sotelo 05 Май 2002, 11:40
    Meaning that you don't nail a HIV+?

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    • Re: Огнестрельный перелом бедра в аппарате
      Отправитель: Tom DeCoster 06 Май 2002, 08:51
      Meaning I expect a significant infection rate if performing IM nail after XF and I expect it would be even higher with IM nail after XF in cases with HIV + and would seek out
      alternative treatments with lower or more acceptable infection rates.


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