Re: Перелом стержня
послал Reverberi Sandro 02 Июль 2002, 13:47
You have done a very good work with your hardware.
If we should look for "hairs in an egg", we can see that distal fragment is a little flexed and (perhaps) valgus.
First deviation could be corrected by removing at first the screw with black arrow.
Another little imperfection is the small size of the nail and large holes (see the other black arrows) just on the fracture line : these mechanically make the nail less resistant and, if weigh bearing is full, they could be a cause of failure.
If your patient will be prudent, fracture will heal very well.
Best regards,
Dr. Reverberi Sandro
UnitЮ operativa di Ortopedia e traumatologia
Azienda Ospedaliera Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova
Reggio Emilia
Italia (Italy)
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