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Re: Перелом стержня
DR T I GEORGE 02 Июль 2002, 14:01
You said: " but inserted from below. I locked it statically at the moment."

I have a query. From the picture it looks as if you used the usual proximal end as the distal end of nail.
This means that you would have got the help of the zig to lock the distal end(near the knee). If this is correct how did you lock the holes near the trochanter?

Cosultant Orthopaedic surgeon,
Polytrauma, Microvascular Surgery and Hand Surgery Unit,
Metropolitan Hospital,
Trichur, South India.
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    Re: Перелом стержня
    Alexander Chelnokov 03 Июль 2002, 00:14
    I didn't use the jig in the case. All screws were inserted using a self-made "radiolucent drill bit". I mentioned this before - tip of 2 mm wire is flattened to 3,5 mm and sharpened. It can be positioned over the hole using a plastic handle. The one is made from a toy of my son :-) The technique works fine for me.

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