Re: Несросшийся перелом большеберцовой кости
послал Thomas A. DeCoster 22 Октябрь 2002, 09:41
Regarding case of 26 yo patient with tibia shaft fracture that has gross motion 8 months after XF and casting.
Diagnosis? IMHO this is a delayed union with impending nonunion.
The time difference between delayed union and nonunion varies; sometimes referred to as 1 year, 9 months or 6 months; sometimes twice the normal healing time ( 2 x 16 weeks for tibia shaft); sometimes other considerations.
IM nail is a good treatment choice for this patient at this time; although concern about infection exists. (multiple prior discussions here).
The fibula appears healed and should be osteotomized (perhaps remove a short segment) in the shaft.
The reamings will suffice for bone graft. Iliac graft or commercial substitute unnecessary.
Closed nailing is probably achievable and slightly preferable. This can be made easier by use of a "pseudarthrosis chisel" or other stout device to open the "sealing callus" over the ends of the bone and facilitate passage of a
guide wire. Obtain and maintain reduction as much as possible to avoid problems with malunion.
Only if you have to open the fracture would I remove the fibrous tissue from the fracture site. If so then pack reamings in the gap.
Lock proximally and leave some room in the medulllary canal distally to axial load to compress a bit.
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