Re: Несросшийся перелом большеберцовой кости
послал James Carr 24 Октябрь 2002, 17:50
There is no doubt that the Ilizarov is a versatile tool for this problem. Much less invasive than other methods. However, it is surgeon and patient labor intensive, and requires long rx- 7.5 months in the poster (on a tough group of patients).
In the states, it is an expensive implant. The UTN will likely work if the stability is good enough, but track record of reamed nail is better if infection is avoided. I would have performed a compression plating- simple, quick, cost effective, no immobilization, and early functional aftercare. No bonegraft. Results in published reports are good, and mirrors my experience. Patient acceptance excellent- much preferred to ex fix. Aftercare simple. So if its my leg, I'll take the more invasive initially for the later benefits. Jim Carr
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