Re: Несросшийся перелом большеберцовой кости
послал Alexander Chelnokov 24 Октябрь 2002, 17:52
DMP> I agree. The non-union looks like a 'stiff hypertrophix non-union'. So,
DMP> leave the nail in-situ. Remove the distal inter-locking screws.
I've just placed the nail and screws into the tibia...
DMP> Apply an Ilizarov frame and initially distract and later
DMP> compress. Luckily, the fibula has not united.
:-) It was osteotomized this week.
DMP> Please refer to: www.aaos.org/wordhtml/anmt2002/poster/p441.htm
THX for the abstract. It is very exciting that the technique is being distributed over the world. Distraction of hypertophic pseudarthroses with the Ilizarov apparatus had been studied in xUSSR in 1960-70s. About 30 years the approach is used here as "gold standard". But since closed interlocked nailing recently reached my environment it is so interesting to use the new toy :-)
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