Re: Перелом шейки бедра
послал David Goetz 26 Ноябрь 2002, 17:50
Looks like a displaced stress fx to me. Have been sent many over the years and and seen [and contributed] to a 100% failure rate when treated with just cannulated screws and an indirect reduction. Screws will work in the acute
situation, but not chronic. The reduction of a delayed fx can never be truly anatomic. I would suggest an osteotomy along with a blade plate or
compression screw or at least a compression screw in anatomic position or slight valgus with normally aligned medial cortex [hard to do].
David R. Goetz MD
Medical Director, Orthopaedic Trauma, Greenville SC
Voice Mail 864-455-6870; pager 390-8859; Office 455-6030
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