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Re: Несращение шейки бедра
Chris Wilson 02 Декабрь 2002, 00:44
I vote recon nail with single large hip screw(Smith and Nephew or Howmedica make them).
Reaming will provide endosteal graft for diaphyseal fracture,and I would bone graft the femoral neck via the lateral thigh wound.

Chris Wilson
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
University Hospital
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    Re: Несращение шейки бедра
    Alexander Chelnokov 02 Декабрь 2002, 00:46
    Do you mean nailing without the valgus osteotomy?
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    • Re: Несращение шейки бедра
      Отправитель: Chris Wilson 02 Декабрь 2002, 00:49
      yes.135 deg nail, although higher angles are available.
      just compress the fracture and bone graft.

      chris wilson

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