Re: Несращение шейки бедра
послал Thomas A. DeCoster 03 Декабрь 2002, 09:23
The biggest problem here is the femoral neck nonunion in a 44 yo obese (?weight) patient. No femoral head AVN apparent on plain xray but a significant fracture gap with a verticle fracture line on AP. If you can get that to heal you will be doing her a great service. The femoral shaft is still secondary.
A valgus producing osteotomy (subtrochanteric, lateral closing wedge) combined with hip screw side plate may give the best chance of healing the femoral neck. Whether or not to open the femoral neck fracture site, bone graft it or use additional fixation are all considerations.
Many subsequent options for the femoral shaft but concentrate your attention on getting the femoral neck healed.
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