Re: Последствия травмы голеностопного сустава
послал John Early 11 Январь 2003, 18:43
Interesting case. thanks for the ct cuts. nowit is real clear that there is a posterior medial maleolar fragment displaced into the joint forcing the talus laterally. My first inclination in this young girl is to debride out the displaced fragment. The difficult part will be visualization ot know how much to take. My approach would be through an oblique medial malleolar osteotomy and hinge the distal malleolus away from the talus leaving the deep deltoid intact. this way you could easily view the whole articular surface of the medial gutter. I would debride the prominent bone back slightly beyond the level of the normal
malleolar surface. The osteotomy may also help reduce the widened mortise. I don't see anything i would do to the syndesmosis area nor any
significant lenght differences between the fibula and tibia laterally form the proximal tibia fracture.
John Early MD
U Texas Southwestern Med Ctr
Dallas, Texas
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