Re: Несостятельность фиксации
послал Tom DeCoster 06 Август 2003, 14:38
It sounds like we are of similar opinion on this case. I didn't notice the collapse of the metaphyseal bone graft and talar tilt but upon re-review of the radiograph I see what you mean. I haven't had ANY luck successfully repairing this situation. Half the time it still doesn't look right on the post op x-rays (?perhaps inadequate surgeon-me). Half the time it collapses later and the other half (sic) it doesn't matter because they develop some other greater problem like totally degenerative joint.
After looking at these fragments in acutely operatively treated distal tibia fractures and seeing no soft tissue attachment (all the depressed articular pieces are clearly without soft tissue attachment and many of the cortical
pieces are quite alone) I wonder if a big part of the problem isn't avascularity of the fragments. When I have gone back in late, the pieces often look like unincorporated bone graft, just sitting there. Even if I restore some semblance of a normal plafond the fragments seem to behave like femoral head grafts I
once used to supplement deficient acetabulae for total hips- it looks OK for a while but eventually melts away.
I'm not saying it's impossible to restore the joint and obtain a good result at this point, but I've never been successful once it gets to this stage.
There is no situation so bad that it can't be made worse by a well-meaning orthopedist.
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