Re: Несостятельность фиксации
послал Alexander Chelnokov 05 Август 2003, 15:31
TAC> 1. What is the status of the soft tissues? Range from grossly
No problem.
TAC> 2. What is the status of the patient? Diabetic?, compliant?, smoking? etc.
He is smoker, non-diabetic, but with cystostoma and a lot of WBC in urine. Now looks compliant, at least doesn't weight-bear the leg.
TAC> 3. What is the status of the fixation? Is it solid or grossly
TAC> loose? This appears somewhere in between with perhaps syndesmosis
TAC> instability
TAC> but the other fixation (fibula, tibia articular surface, tibia
TAC> meta-diaphysis ?OK)
At least he is now without external immobilization, moves to/from bed/wheelchair without sense of instability.
TAC> 4. What is the status of the reduction. Again, syndesmosis very wide but
TAC> other (fibular length, tibia articular surface, tibia alignment, talus beneath
TAC> plafond) seems OK.
Yes. Looks like pure depression of the grafted metaphyseal part. Of course along with separation of the lateral aspect (plus syndesmosis and tibia).
TAC> 5. What is your risk tolerance? Individualized to patient and surgeon. How
TAC> much risk of BKA are you willing to take to try to get somewhat improved
I suppose here to avoid procedures where the risk can't be so small to be neglected.
TAC> OK, reduction and fixation failure limited to sydesmosis etc then
TAC> you could try repeat syndesmosis reduction and new fixation.
It seems to me the articular tilt should be restored.
TAC> Perhaps 2 screws with bicortical tibia and fibula purchase
TAC> supplemented by enforced NWB (bent knee LLC vs other).
Yes, the screws can be inserted through stab wounds. My concern is what to do if closed foot distraction wouldn't provide "elevation" of the
articular surface.
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