Re: Несостятельность фиксации
послал Nikolaj Wolfson 06 Август 2003, 09:32
1. Whould be interesting to see pre-op X ray.
2. The reduction is rather - mal-reduction:
Syndesmosis screw is pushing against the tibia and widening the Tibio-fibular space and Ankle Mortise.
3. Medial distal tibial fracture is fixed with a plate which is know to cause skin necrosis - it is a big problem.
For all of the above: do CT scan( can be done even in the presence of the metal), and remove the hardware( plates and screws). Reduce the fragments anatomically and fix with either low profile( if availible) plate or small wire External Fixator plus screws. Do it as soon as possible, before soft tissue problems are worse.
Antibiotics coverage is a must for more than 24 hours( urinary problems may contribute to this issue and infection risk).
Goood luck
Nikolaj Wolfson,
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
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