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Re: Неудачный остеосинтез голени гвоздем
Sathis Chandran 21 Декабрь 2003, 23:31
Thank you very much for presenting this case. The discussion following it very informative.
Will not the wires of this Exfix interfere with reaming and nailing?

Dr Sathis Chandran
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    Re: Неудачный остеосинтез голени гвоздем
    Alexander Chelnokov 21 Декабрь 2003, 23:34
    The proximal wire is behind the nail, the distal one is lower.
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    • Re: Неудачный остеосинтез голени гвоздем
      Отправитель: Enes M. Kanlic 22 Декабрь 2003, 08:36
      I have to comment it again, It is better to use one method right than to combine two methods wrong.
      If you are comfortable using ring wire fixation, than use it right and it will work.
      As I discussed before, it is easily possible to make it right with nail (slides of three ways to do it right with nail were attached in my pervious discussion).
      Getting the transfixing thin wires close to the nail you are creating a high risk of bringing the infection (tracking on the wires) to the nail and eventually spreading it all the way into medullary canal.
      Make it simple and make it right, please.


      Enes M. Kanlic, MD, PhD
      Associate Professor at TTUHSC
      El Paso, Texas

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      • Re: Неудачный остеосинтез голени гвоздем
        Отправитель: Alexander Chelnokov 22 Декабрь 2003, 08:41
        To date we have experience of more than 300 cases of intra op small wire distractors for closed nailing of all long bones with no case of wire track and related infection. The risk is more actual mostly for post op combination of ex fix + nail, especially if wires are contacting the nail, or close to that - i met such a case in the humerus few years ago.

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