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Re: Перелом "около пластинки"
Alexander Chelnokov 28 Декабрь 2003, 19:37
VMI> The locking screws on either side of the # are so apart. When we
VMI> put in a supracondylar nail thro a keyhole incison in the knee,
VMI> the locking bolts will be nearer the #

Than in the presented case?

VMI> and will be more stable allowing him to bear wt early.

It hardly ever depends only on where the nail was inserted from. Also such factors as thickness of locking screws, their number and distance between them (and to the ends of the fragment) must play some role.

VMI> The locking is done by jig and no freehand method saving time.

Since one of nail ends has to be locked without targeting device i prefer this to be the distal end.
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    Re: Перелом "около пластинки"
    V. M. Iyer 28 Декабрь 2003, 20:25


    Alex>>Since one of nail ends has to be locked without targeting device i
    Alex.>> prefer this to be the distal end.

    In the supracondylar nail system both the ends are lockable by jig and no free hand technique is needed.

    Alex>> Than in the presented case?
    I do not see the proximal bolts; I presume they must be at he trochanter level. In a supracondylar nail you are able to see both side bolts in one picture. ( Enclosure)

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