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Re: Перелом "около пластинки"
DR MOHD IQBAL 01 Январь 2004, 17:35
Amazing ! Best result in a worst fracture./

Hope it didn`t have intra articular extension. If u had encountered this finding during surgery, rather after pushing the nail inside or during hammering the nail, Could u had managed it closed or what u would have done.

Anyway great job being done by ILN nails.

Please enlighten about your technique, positioning of pt. ,Type of table, special points to remember Prior & during surgery.

Looking forward for a response from your side.



DR Mohd Iqbal

Kota Trauma Hospital

Chambal Garden Road

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    Re: Перелом "около пластинки"
    Alexander Chelnokov 01 Январь 2004, 17:50
    DMI> Hope it didn`t have intra articular extension. If u had encountered this

    The discussed case was pure metaphyseal, not T- or Y- intraarticular.
    Though the second case was C2 fracture, and it took to perform closed reduction with joystick wires, and then insert opposite olive wires.

    DMI> Please enlighten about your technique, positioning of pt. ,Type of table,

    A small wire distractor was used for intra op reduction. Position - supine with adduction and internal rotation of the affected limb.
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