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Re: Перелом "около пластинки"
Alexander Chelnokov 05 Январь 2004, 23:16
JC> easier, and allows for exact reduction of the condyles by
JC> visualization.

Do you mean arthroscopiс control or incision for the nail is large enough to view/control the condyles? Can you pls describe the technique?

JC> It also obtains fixation through the entry tunnel
JC> if the nail engages it.

Didn't get the idea - could you pls explain?

JC> antegrade nails often have screw holes closer to the end of the nail.

So maybe it takes some re-design of the end of the nail to adopt features of distal/retrograde nails?
BTW can somebody point a source where definitions can be found whar first, second etc generations nails are. THX in advance.
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    Re: Перелом "около пластинки"
    James Carr 06 Январь 2004, 11:28
    Since the retrograde nail can be placed by arthrotomy, direct visualization of the fracture is made. No arthroscope is needed. Secondly, the retrograde nail is placed through a drill hole in the notch- an area that has good subchondral bone. This creates a snug fitting tunnel in which the end of the nail can be left, thus providing some fixation. Hope that helps. I am not aware of a source to define the various generations of nails. Jim

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