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Re: Перелом "около пластинки"
Alexander Chelnokov 26 Декабрь 2003, 11:16
THX for the valuable reply. I suggest early mobilization and return to noramal activity already is the conventional scenario. In other words we should suggest such fractures not preventable? I am not certain where the border of more extreme forms of regional osteoporosis lies, and what is the optimal program if one suggests the local ostepenia is beyond the border.
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    Re: Перелом "около пластинки"
    Tom DeCoster 27 Декабрь 2003, 15:18
    I don't know how to prevent them but that is not to say that they are not preventable.
    A good place to start looking would be the ones at highest risk, but I'm not certain how to identify them.
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