Re: Еще один перелом "около фиксатора"
послал Alexander Chelnokov 28 Январь 2004, 21:39
MC> likely to succeed. I hope you will give us some follow-up in 3
MC> months.
I'll try.
MC> My question (purely to keep the discussion alive :-) is why
MC> do you use an unreamed technique?
Just because we have only solid nails, and 13 mm is a thickest available one, and due to her osteoporosis the nail passed through the canal without reaming.
MC> nailing, measured by Trans Esophageal Echo-cardiogram. So what is
MC> the advantage of unreamed nails? In this particular case?
I completely agree that for primary nailing the only advantage of unreamed technique is few saved minutes.
MC> better spent comparing reamed IM fixation of the tibia to
MC> percutaneous plate fixation or ex fix.
Do you really suppose this topic is so actual? Differencies looks so self-evident.
MC> Is everyone aware that there have never been a randomized
MC> prospective trial in closed tibial fractures to show that IM nails
MC> are superior to old fashioned AO plates?!
As i realize the rigorous study design is required for situations where advantages of one technique over another are not so evident.
MC> randomized controlled trial to show that total hip replacement is
MC> better than a Girldlestone; but I submit that the case for nailing
MC> tibias is much less secure.
Can't enough evidence be provided with retrospective studies?
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