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Re: Еще один перелом "около фиксатора"
V. M. Iyer 21 Январь 2004, 19:03
Dear Alexander,
Very well done. This nail that You have used is something new to me. This has different holes proximally than the routine nail. After getting such a good reduction,(which I had not anticipated) if there were more holes beyond the screws that you have put then screws could be introduced thro the nail across the # site too.
V M Iyer
. Iyer Orthopaedic Centre,
103,Railway lines Solapur India.
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    Re: Еще один перелом "около фиксатора"
    Alexander Chelnokov 28 Январь 2004, 13:30
    VMI> Very well done.


    VMI> This nail that You have used is something new to me. This
    VMI> has different holes proximally than the routine nail.

    Only one more proximally to the oval hole.

    VMI> if there were more holes beyond the screws that you have put
    VMI> then screws could be introduced thro the nail across the # site too.

    Sorry, do you mean holes in AP direction? Or where?
    [ Ответить ]

    Re: Еще один перелом "около фиксатора"
    Alexander Chelnokov 28 Январь 2004, 21:45
    VMI> Very well done.


    VMI> This nail that You have used is something new to me. This
    VMI> has different holes proximally than the routine nail.

    Only one more proximally to the oval hole.

    VMI> if there were more holes beyond the screws that you have put
    VMI> then screws could be introduced thro the nail across the # site too.

    Sorry, do you mean holes in AP direction? Or where?
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