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Re: Перелом около протеза
Marco Berlusconi 30 Май 2004, 19:54
Dear Sir, I treated a case similar to this with a LISS but the result wasn't good because intraoperatively the fracture extension was really lower than the one I planned and so the LISS was not so stable. Perhaps in these cases it could be better a DFN (but the condylar locking bolt will be too "proximal" even if the templates could be good) or, but I've no experience, a revision TKR like the zimmer one. If you want I can send to you the result of my similar case.

Best regards
Marco Berlusconi
Trauma Unit
Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi Milan Italy

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    Re: Перелом около протеза
    Alexander Chelnokov 30 Май 2004, 22:08
    Sure, it would be quite interesting for me. THX in advance.

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