Re: Перелом около протеза
послал Alexander Chelnokov 02 Июнь 2004, 13:58
TAC> idea to osteotomize the femur shaft to compensate for the prior shaft malunion
TAC> was clever and should work fine.
The "idea" was an emergency appeared when the nail tip proceeded to the fracture level and became targeting anteriorly to the distal fragment.
TAC> I can't actually see the osteotomy on either radiograph. Is it more proximal
TAC> than we see in these radiographs or so well aligned as to be not visible?
The osteotomy was perfromed trough the fracture site. See the image.
TAC> Have you tried retrograde femoral nailing? Most people find it technically
TAC> easier although not necessarily better than antegrade.
No, i would have tried it if the antegrade attempt was failed.
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