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Re: Прошло полгода - Re: Что делать? Гвоздь в tibi
V M Iyer 24 Июнь 2004, 11:14
Dear Dr Alexander,
Though I can never convince myself that tibial shaft #s can be succeefully treated by plate fixation, in this case plating, though not successful, has done one good thing. The fragments are aligned well making interlocking nailng easier. Though the upper end is not seen I presume it is not split any more as in the first Xray. Once you open to remove the plate it is no more a closed nailing! Would like to see the post op Xrays and the final result too. Regards.

V M Iyer
. Iyer Orthopaedic Centre,
103,Railway lines Solapur India.413001.
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    Re: Прошло полгода - Re: Что делать? Гвоздь в tibi
    Alexander Chelnokov 24 Июнь 2004, 18:09
    >done one good thing. The fragments are aligned well making interlocking
    >nailng easier.

    :-) Certainly.

    >Though the upper end is not seen I presume it is not split
    >any more as in the forst Xray

    Yes, I posted this film because there was nothing interesting upper (except a fracture of the fibular neck) but we can see a (neglected?) fracture of the distal tibia, healed with some tilt.

    > Once you open to remove the plate it is no
    >more a closed nailing !

    Even if remove screws through stab wounds and make 3-5 cm incision over the end of the plate to pull it out?

    >Would like to see the post op Xrays and

    Ok, when available.
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