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Gaslini International
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Thomas Wiley 16 Июль 2005, 00:26
Hoping that you or a colleague will find the events to be of interest, this is brief reminder of upcoming deadline for registration to the Gaslini International Residential Training Course on Surgical Rehabilitation of the Scoliotic Child and Adolescent (September 19 - 23, 2005) (CME Credits pending)
Indeed, a number of Gaslini International Grants covering the Full Registration and local accommodations of participants from Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Eastern Europe countries, are still available!
For full details please follow the above link, or go to
Thanks in the meantime for your attention and you collaboration in giving this announcement the widest dissemination possible to potentially interested participants.
Thomas Wiley
International Affairs
c/o Scientific Direction
Istituto Giannina Gaslini
Largo Gerolamo Gaslini, 5
I-16147 Genova

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