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Re: Деформация голеней
Alexander Chelnokov 15 Сентябрь 2005, 19:46
TDVC> Nice job!


TDVC> It is very interesting to me that as you have derotated
TDVC> the tibia you have centred the patella, I think and the prox
TDVC> tibia looks much more anatomic.

But it results with approproiate external rotation of the hip. What problems does it solve and generate?

TDVC> Tibial tilt is perhaps more than you want

Tibial tilt remains unchanged. According to Paley's "Principles of deformity correction" normal range of proximal posterior tibial angle is 80+/-3.5 degrees.

TDVC> but the tibial correction is to 90 (very slight over
TDVC> correction.

Or just in upper part of normal range?
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    Re: Деформация голеней
    T. Derek V. Cooke 15 Сентябрь 2005, 19:49
    Hello Alex:

    The 'insquint', Patella 'looking in' with feet ahead, is a due to tibail Ext malrotation.

    Cooke, T.D.V., Price, N., Fischer, B., Hedden, D. (1990): The inwardly pointing knee. An unrecognized problem of external rotational mal-alignment. Clin. Orthop., 260:56-60.

    Whether by intention or design I think you derotated this with your osteotomy.

    Did you show us the preop tibial alignment? Our data for posterior tibial tilt is a mean of closer
    to 10 degrees (Yoshioka, Y., Siu, D., Scudamore, R.A., Cooke, T.D.V. (1989) Tibial anatomy and functional axes. J. Orthop. Res., 7:132-137.)

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