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Re: Нелеченный перелом шейки бедра / Neglected fem
Stephen Kottmeier 17 Октябрь 2005, 21:05
dhs will not correct improper biomechanical environment and may further compromise vascular
integrity consider establish vascular status via mri
and if viable follow with proximal valgus osteotomy
case provided s/p failed fixation

Stephen Kottmeier
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    Re: Нелеченный перелом шейки бедра / Neglected fem
    Peter Trafton 17 Октябрь 2005, 21:21
    I think that this 31 yo deserves a try with valgus osteotomy, as so nicely illustrated by stephen kottmeier. However, I'd do it no matter what an MRI shows - thus why bother with the MRI? (What sort of data support MRI's ability to predict segmental collapse?)

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