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Re: Проксимальный и дистальный переломы tibia
Flavio Restrepo 17 Май 2006, 22:59
Today you have a complex fracture for classification.
Probably you need take a combination of two diferents fractures in the same bone.
41.A2.1 for a proximal fracture
42.B1.3 for a distal fracture
Is very difficult take an exactly AO/OTA group for a good classification Probably the locked IM nail is a good option.
The closed reduction with cast-bracing is a good possibility too.

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    Re: Проксимальный и дистальный переломы tibia
    Alexander Chelnokov 18 Май 2006, 21:14
    fmc> Probably you need take a combination of two diferents fractures in the
    fmc> same bone.

    Probably it is reasonable, but what is against its coding as C type segmental fracture?

    fmc> Probably the locked IM nail is a good option.

    It is my preference also.

    fmc> The closed reduction with cast-bracing is a good possibility too.

    Yes, final result is likely to be acceptable but the approach is featured with more long period of disability and rehabilitation.
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