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Re: Проксимальный и дистальный переломы tibia
Dr Ramesh P Singh 18 Май 2006, 21:03
We have failed in maintaining the reduction of the proximal fragment even with 2 proximal interlocking screws, the poller screw acts as 3 point fixation as the nail with the 2 proximal screws act as a single unit and the proximal fragment is very dynamic so leave the screw till the end.

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    Re: Проксимальный и дистальный переломы tibia
    Alexander Chelnokov 18 Май 2006, 21:04
    DRPS> We have failed in maintaining the reduction of the proximal fragment
    DRPS> even with 2 proximal interlocking screws,

    It depends on the distance from the proximal nail end to the screw holes, and how loose are screws in the holes.

    DRPS> the poller screw acts as 3 point fixation as the nail with the
    DRPS> 2 proximal screws act as a single unit and the proximal fragment

    Yes, this "artificial narrowing" of the medullary canal by blocking screws helps to obtain more tight fit of the nail.
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