Re: Проксимальный и дистальный переломы tibia
послал Myles Clough 18 Май 2006, 15:32
From the Xrays it seems as though the proximal fracture is relatively undisplaced. I thought that Poller screws were mostly used to prevent displacement of the fracture while the nail was being inserted. In this case I would think that you could hold the reduction temporarily either with a clamp, crossed K wires or a lag screw. Then insert the nail and place a proximal blocking screw only if you need to. Will the proximal locking screws fix the proximal fragment? Are you going to fix the fibula?
Myles Clough mylesclough@shaw.ca
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (Retired), Kamloops, BC, Canada
Clinical Instructor, University of British Columbia
Editor, OWL (Orthopaedic Web Links) http://www.orthopaedicweblinks.com
Orthogate Workshop Pages http://www.orthogate.com/clough/index.htm
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