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Re: The patient with non-union of the distal femur
Gavin Pereira 08 Май 2007, 00:01
Would anyone use a retrograde nail in this case? (after freshening up the #
site of course)

Gavin Pereira

Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire
Clifford Bridge Road
Coventry CV2 2DX, United Kingdom
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    Re: The patient with non-union of the distal femur
    Mohammad Maqsood 08 Май 2007, 20:18
    Dear gavin
    I am bit reluctant to use retrograde nail, as the will still be too long working length and mor movement on fracture site, there is risk of non-union as more then required elasticity( strain theory of peren).
    I would prefer some kind of absolute stability, more like fixed angled device

    thank you

    MR Mohammad Maqsood
    consultant orthopaedic surgeon
    Lincoln county Hospital
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