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Re: Операция на переднем полукольце таза при налич
Lois Ann Nichols 04 Июнь 2007, 19:13
How can the seroma be prevented/controlled?

Lois Nichols
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    Re: Операция на переднем полукольце таза при налич
    Bruce Ziran 04 Июнь 2007, 19:14
    Limit the amount of beads, nice closure (multi-layer if possible), and use of drains. It is not fool proof, and despite the issues we have with CaSu, we still use them for atb delivery in cases where the risk of infection in a colonized tissue bed is greater than the problems of CaSu.

    Bruce H. Ziran, M.D.
    Director of Orthopaedic Trauma
    St. Elizabeth Health Center
    Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
    Northeast Ohio Universities College of Medicine
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