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Re: Prox humerus - перелом и вывых
Alexander Chelnokov 27 Август 2007, 14:28
CV> recurrent episodes of instability or was this shoulder chronically


CV> I would recommend an initial attempted closed reduction in the OR with

Well, we'll try to insert a wire with olive and manipulate the head.

CV> If you were to get it reduced closed would you try to treat it
CV> nonoperatively?

My dream was to perform closed reduction and intramedullary nailing.
But i am becoming more and more sceptic about success of the closed manipulation.
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    Re: Prox humerus - перелом и вывых
    Christian Veillette 27 Август 2007, 16:54
    A nail would not be my first choice of implant in this particular fracture pattern but I have seen it done.

    Locking plate or cloverleaf plate thru a standard deltopectoral approach.

    Let us know how it turns out.


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    • Re: Prox humerus - перелом и вывых
      Отправитель: rohit shah 29 Август 2007, 20:03
      >Locking plate or cloverleaf plate thru a standard deltopectoral approach.


      bharat patel

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