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Pathological fracture femur
Ортопедия и травматология Отправлено Biju Benjamin 23 Февраль 2008, 11:02
Dear colleagues, The attached xrays are of a 13 year old girl, who presented to us with a history of trivial trauma.
X-rays showed a pathological fracture right femurthrough a large radioluscent expansile lesion. Allblood investigations are normal. Clinically no other positive findings. We assume this to be a case of fibrous dysplasia, and plan to do a biopsy from the site. Would like your opinion regarding any other possibility in the diagnosis and treatment options.
Thanking you,
Dr. Biju Benjamin.

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    Re: Pathological fracture femur
    Freih Odeh Abu hassan 23 Февраль 2008, 11:11

    Most likely fibrous dysplasia, we had the same case but younger age patient 4 years ago treated by uniplanar ext fix followed by percut. curretage and bone marrow injection and healed well.
    at this age IMN can solve the problem .

    Freih Odeh Abu hassan

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    Re: Pathological fracture femur
    Andrey A.Volna 25 Февраль 2008, 22:36
    Dear colleagues, I completely agree with Dr. Freih Odeh Abu Hassan. I am not sure about ImN at this case but, in my opinion, ExFix, curretage and bone marrow injection is one of the best decision.
    Andrey A.Volna

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    Re: Pathological fracture femur
    Anatoly 27 Февраль 2008, 21:37
    I agree that this case is fibrous dysplasia.
    As a method of treetment I propose removal of fibous tissue and cavity allografting, including frozen cortical long graft as an intramedullary nailing. I think it is a good decision without using of any metal construction.
    Make X-ray of other skeleton.
    Best regards!
    Anatoly Baranetskiy, Moscow.

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