Re: Повреждение сухожилий сгибателей во II зоне
послал Krunoslav Margic 13 Март 2008, 01:12
Dear colleague!
You have asked so many important questions that the full answer would be a monography on flexor tendon surgery. I think that the members of this group will prefer to answer to precise single question rather to write a dissertation. You can find up to date answers on almost all questions in the following articles:
Elliot D et al. IFSSH flexor tendon committee report. J Hand Surg 2005; 30B: 1-118.
Kleinert HE, Špokevičius S, Papas NH. History of Flexor Tendon Repair. J Hand Surg 1995; 20A: S46-S52.
Steinberg DR. Flexor Tendon Lacerations in the Hand. University of Pensilvania Orthopaedic Journal 1997; 10: 5-11.
Nietosvaara Y, Lindfors NC, Palmu S, Rautakorpi S, Ristaniemi N. Flexor Tendon Injuries in Pediatric Patients. J Hand Surg 2007; 32A: 1549–1557.
McCarthy DM, Boardman D III, Tramaglini DM, Sotereanos DG, Herndon JH. Clinical Management of Partially Lacerated Digital Flexor Tendons: A Surgery of Hand Surgeons. J Hand Surg 1995; 20A: 273-275.
Tang JB. Indications, methods, postoperative motion and outcome evaluation of primary flexor tendon repairs in zone 2. J Hand Surg 2007; 32E: 118-129.
One suggestion: make a questionnaire with all your questions, send it to our members, analyze the results and you will have an interesting article.
Krunoslav Margic
Prim.dr. Krunoslav Margic, dr.med
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
General Hospital
Sempeter pri Gorici
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