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Re: crush distal tibia
Jeff Brooks 08 Ноябрь 2008, 23:15
My strong preference would be IM nailing in this case, with plate fixation of the fibula with syndesmosis screw as well --if lateral soft tissues allow, and perc the medial mall.

CT scan showing articular injury will be helpful.

I have never understood when folks refer to external fixation in severe soft tissue trauma (IIIc tibias...) "to allow access to the wound"... I can't think of a better way than IMN to "allow access to the wound".

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    Re: crush distal tibia
    Odessky Jacob M. D. 12 Ноябрь 2008, 13:05
    Dear Jeff! I did not understand too how it is possible to treat the soft tissue damages accompanied fracture, applying an external fixators, until have got acquainted with Ilizarov method.
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