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Уважаемые коллеги, читая руководство < Nonunion of the Long Bones> под редакцией Redento Mora , в разделе Treatment of Infected Nonunions: Techniques Other Than Compression-Distraction Methods натолкнулся на следующую методику : Bone Reconstruction by Cancellous Bone Grafting (Papineau Method)With the Papineau method, morselized autologous cancellous bone grafts are used to obliterate bone defects in tibial infected nonunions [1, 10, 15, 21, 22].The cancellous bone, usually harvested from the iliac crest, is reduced in bone chips and then packed into the bone cavity without leaving dead space. The dressing is changed every 4-5 days. The graft is gradually incorporated and there is no need for soft tissue coverage: the wound heals spontaneously or is covered later, when granulation tissue grows through the bone graft, by split-thickness skin grafting. This technique is not very demanding and can be used in elderly patients or in patients with concomitant chronic diseases such as diabetes. The disadvantages are that the procedure can require many operative stages and prolonged periods of time for healing. References 1. Lortat-Jacob A (1977) Principes de traitement chirurgical de l'infection osseuse. Infection sur os non solide. Encycl Mйd Chir, Techn Chir-Orthop Traumatol 44-082 Elsevier, Paris 10. Perry CR (1999) Bone repair techniques, bone graft and bone graft substitutes. Clin Orthop Relat Res 360:71-86 15. Stein H, Lerner A (2001) Advances in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. Curr Orthop 15:451-456 21. Papineau LJ (1973) L'excision-greffe avec fermeture retardйe dйlibйrйe dans l'ostйomyйlitechronique.Nouv Presse Med 2:2753-2755 22. Roy Camille R, Reignier B, Saillant G et al (1976) Technique et histoire naturelle de l'intervention de Papineau. Excision-greffe de spongieux а l'air libre. Rev Chir Orthop 62:337-345 Пользовался кто - либо этой методикой ? С какими результатами ? какие имеются тут тонкости и нюансы ? Каковы показания и противопоказания ? уточнения по технике ? (смущает перевязки через 4-5 дней , и ни слова о VAC )С уважением Д.Б. P.S.указанную в ссылках литературу в Нете не нашёл. < | >
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