Re: чрезмыщелковый перелом - возможность улучшения функции?
послал Dr.Vishwanath Iyer 27 Сентябрь 2010, 23:19
Dear Dr Anton,
The limitation of flexion is due probably to radial head as well as coronoid abutting against the anterior part of the lower humerus, A part of the anterior aspect of the lower humerus could be chiselled off to remove the bony block. But there is the question of long standing soft tissue contracture which may also have to be tackled. After such a surgery unless active mobilisation is not done immediately the ROM obtained on the table may be lost. The ROM at present is good enough for his avtivities of daily living. (He must be using a spoon to feed himself now) So best left alone.
The other possibility is doing a flexion osteotomy of the lower humerus so that the arc of motion is changed. The amount of flexion gained will be that much extension lost. Then again the ostetomu must be fixed so rigidly that mobilisation should be possible immediately
V M Iyer
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