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Ортопедия и травматология Общие вопросы/General questions Help Информационные технологии в медицине

Общие вопросы/General questions Отправлено dr.sunil m c 01 Апрель 2011, 22:01 M C Orthpaedic & Trauma Center
I Dr.Sunil.M.C did my postgraduation in Rostov-On-Don,Russian Federation. Now i want to become a member of the Russian Orthpaedic Association. Please help me How to become a member? Where i can get the form of it?

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    Re: Enquire
    Victor 05 Апрель 2011, 17:19
    Dear dr.Sunil
    To change the keyboard layout, please, use ctrl+shift or alt+shift if possible. There is no still really working society of orthopaedic in Russia. Hope it will be.
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