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Re: Остеомиелит таза?
Alexbone 25 Апрель 2012, 22:01
Spasibo za kommentarij. Interesno uznat kak radiologi otka4ivajut gnoj i zahotjat li svjazyvatsa s etim :)). Opisanie CXR bylo 4istym. Bolnoj ne javilsja na MRT pelvis & spine - byl na futbole - perezakazali opjat, vot zdjom - snimki prilozu pozze. Indusy wutjat - v Indii kin kamen v tolpu i popadjow v Tuberkuljoznika.
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    Re: Остеомиелит таза?
    Djoldas Kuldjanov, M.D. 26 Апрель 2012, 00:04
    Здесь информация в European Journal of Radiology
    Contribution of computed tomography guided percutaneous drainage of tuberculous cold abscesses adjunctive to pharmaceutical anti-tubercular treatment
    General Hospital of Chest Diseases of Athens, Department of Medical Imaging and Interventional Radiology, 152 Mesogeion Str, 11527 Athens, Greece

    To determine the efficiency and safety of the percutaneous aspiration and drainage of rare tuberculous cold abscesses under CT guidance.
    Materials and methods
    We retrospectively studied 63 cases of 44 patients, treated in our hospital during the last two years. They suffered from tuberculous infection complicated with tuberculous cold abscesses variously located. All these patients underwent percutaneous aspiration and drainage under CT imaging, following the trocar puncture technique. The catheter remained in place for about a week. A follow up CT scan was performed in all cases before the catheter removal. Some of the patients were under anti tuberculosis medication.
    Results All the patients had a successful recovery from the abscesses. There were no major or minor complications observed. No recurrence occurred until today.

    CT guided percutaneous aspiration and drainage of tuberculous cold abscesses is a safe, minimal invasive and effective method of treatment. Drainage and specific antituberculosis therapy leads to a satisfactory conclusion.
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