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AOTrauma Masters Course - Acetabular and Pelvic Fracture Management в Москве, 5-7 августа 2014г.
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено Alexey Semenistyy 06 Апрель 2014, 18:28
Дорогие коллеги, 5-7 августа 2014г. в Москве состоится первый в России AOTrauma Masters Course - Acetabular and Pelvic Fracture Management.

Следите за информацией - количество мест ограничено. Для свободной регистрации будет доступно всего 12 (из 24) мест.К регистрации будут допущены врачи прошедшие AOTравма Курсы Базового и Продвинутого уровней и являющиеся членами AOTrauma.

Goal of the course The AOTrauma Course—Acetabular and Pelvic Fracture Management aims to convey to experienced participants an understanding of the initial evaluation, stabilization, and definitive treatment of patients with fractures and dislocations of the pelvic ring, acetabulum, or both. The AO Principles as well as the latest techniques and up-to-date evidence will be incorporated into the course, guiding participants in developing the knowledge and skills needed to treat these injuries and improve patient outcomes. Target participants Participants must be fully trained orthopedic and/or trauma surgeons with subspecialty interest in the treatment of pelvic and acetabular fractures. They must have already completed the AOTrauma Courses—Principles in Operative Fracture Management and Advances in Operative Fracture Management. Surgeons participating in this course will learn how to address the severely injured patient in an emergency situation. They will learn how to evaluate, diagnose, and classify pelvic ring and acetabular injuries, and determine appropriate timing and indications for interventions. They will be able to apply knowledge in choosing how to surgically approach specific injuries and how to definitively reconstruct complex fractures. The course will be taught in two modules. The first dedicated to pelvic injuries and the second to acetabular fractures. Lectures will cover the key information required and will provide a foundation of information regarding surgical fixation techniques. Practical with artificial bone models will enable participants to gain experience in the application of different fixation techniques. All concepts are expanded and reinforced in group discussions emphasizing diagnosis, evaluation, indications, decision-making processes, complications, and treatment modalities.

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    Re: AOTrauma Masters Course - Acetabular and Pelvic Fracture Management в Москве, 5-8 августа 2014г.
    Сидоров Сергей Степанович 07 Апрель 2014, 17:02
    на каком языке будут проводится курсы, если на английском, то будет ли перевод?
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    • Re: AOTrauma Masters Course - Acetabular and Pelvic Fracture Management в Москве, 5-8 августа 2014г.
      Отправитель: Alexey Semenistyy 07 Апрель 2014, 22:40
      Языки курса русский и английский. Лекции на английском языке будут переводится на русский. На дискуссиях и практиках переводчики так же будут помогать

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    Re: AOTrauma Masters Course - Acetabular and Pelvic Fracture Management в Москве, 5-7 августа 2014г.
    Алексей Семенистый 15 Апрель 2014, 00:48
    5-7 августа 2014г. в Москве состоится первый в России AOTrauma Masters Course - Acetabular and Pelvic Fracture Management.
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