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Mastercases Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Прислано tozzik 12 Апрель 2014, 18:14
Larry D. Field, ‎Felix H. Savoie III - Mastercases Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Published: 2002-12-01 | ISBN: 0865778736, 3131085916 | PDF | 448 pages | 69 MB
This reference book gives you the latest surgical techniques and a state-of-the-art update on the management of shoulder and elbow conditions. Written by two renowned experts in the field, it provides valuable information in a case-based approach designed for easy reading and practical application. Thieme's acclaimed MasterCases series selects key clinical cases to provide diagnostic and therapeutic information for optimal patient care. In this volume, there are detailed instructions on 56 different shoulder and elbow surgical procedures, with more than 400 high-quality photographs and radiographs to help walk the surgeon through the techniques. While some attention is given to rare problems or situations, the focus of the book is on the shoulder and elbow problems orthopedic surgeons encounter in their daily practice. You'll find clear and concise information on rotator cuff disorders, fractures, arthritic problems, neuropathies, and much more! Key features: Outstanding illustrations, intra-operative photographs, and supporting radiographs that clearly demonstrate the various techniques Special focus on the arthroscopic management of shoulder and elbow conditions Nearly 60 cases addressing the clinical situations you face every day The entire text is written by two leading practitioners for a consistent and integrated approach to this rapidly changing field Pearls and Pitfalls, emphasizing essential facts, are included This book is the practical, user-friendly, and up-to-date guide that specialists need. It is invaluable for orthopedists, shoulder and elbow surgeons, and residents who want to expand their knowledge and skills in the surgical treatment and management of a wide range of shoulder and elbow conditions.

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