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Reoperative Hand Surgery
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено tozzik 21 Август 2014, 14:14
Scott F.M. Duncan - Reoperative Hand Surgery Published: 2012-05-22 | ISBN: 1461423724, 1461423740 | PDF | 443 pages | 24 MB
Reoperative Hand Surgery is a major contribution to the literature, offering a wide range of reoperative options for challenging problems that face the reconstructive hand surgeon after failed primary surgery. Concise and discussing all of the more common issues that hand surgeons often face in performing revision surgery, this invaluable title is unique in that it looks specifically at the problem of what to do when the original index procedure did not go as planned. Topics covered include the hand, wrist, forearm and elbow, and several sections of the book discuss some of the psychological and social factors that also go into the decision process to reoperate or not. The chapters are tightly focused so that the important aspects to consider for reoperation can be quickly reviewed. There is also a component that discusses how to avoid other pitfalls and to minimize as well as manage any complications that may occur with reoperative procedures. Importantly, the book is replete with original art work to help describe and demonstrate how to perform many reoperative procedures. The artwork is simple and straightforward but yet detailed enough to convey the important steps and aspects for the surgical intervention it is outlining. Developed by renowned experts in the hand surgery field, Reoperative Hand Surgery is an indispensable, state-of-the-art reference, offering the busy hand and upper extremity surgeon easily accessible information relating to the evaluation, diagnosis, and possible surgical interventions for the diagnoses discus

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    Re: Reoperative Hand Surgery
    Александр Жужнев 22 Август 2014, 20:59
    Большое спасибо! :-)
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    Re: Reoperative Hand Surgery
    Александр Петрушин 23 Август 2014, 21:57
    Не понял, а где ссылка?
    [ Ответить ]

    Re: Reoperative Hand Surgery
    tozzik 24 Август 2014, 10:43
    [ Ответить ]

    Re: Reoperative Hand Surgery
    Шихалева Н.Г. 31 Август 2014, 23:50
    Спасибо за информацию!
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    Re: Reoperative Hand Surgery
    Булахтин Ю.Ю. 10 Октябрь 2014, 23:37
    Большое Вам Спасибо!!!
    [ Ответить ]

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