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Fracture-Dislocations of the Wrist free
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено tozzik 10 Октябрь 2014, 19:46
Emmanuel Apergis
Publisher: Springer
Date: 2013-08-23
Format: PDF
Language: English
ISBN/ASIN: 8847053277
Pages: 280
ISBN13: 9788847053274
According to reports in the literature, despite the severe disruption of carpal anatomy, fracture-dislocations of the wrist are missed on clinical and radiographic examination in a high percentage of cases. Orthopedic surgeons lack of familiarity with these injuries is one of the factors contributing to failed or delayed diagnosis.

This richly illustrated book covers all types of wrist dislocation and fracture-dislocation. Detailed information is provided on anatomy and biomechanics, while terminology and classification of injuries are explained. Treatment options are thoroughly analysed, with special emphasis on surgical treatment, which is presented step by step. All of the figures radiological and surgical relate to patients treated by the author himself. Most of the cases are from the Red Cross Hospital of Athens that admits many patients with such injuries, in part through referral from other centres due to the authors acknowledged expertise in the field. This volume, with its highly informative and up-to-date chapters and reviews, and a wealth of color figures, will be of great practical value for clinicians and residents in orthopedic surgery, who assist them in daily decision making.


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    Re: Fracture-Dislocations of the Wrist free
    Александр Жужнев 11 Октябрь 2014, 13:57
    Как всегда,большое спасибо, за хорошую литературу!
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    Re: Fracture-Dislocations of the Wrist free
    Камо 12 Октябрь 2014, 18:20
    [ Ответить ]

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