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Disorders of the Shoulder, Volume 1: Shoulder Reconstruction, 3rd edition
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Отправлено tozzik 21 Декабрь 2014, 21:33
Joseph P. Iannotti and Williams, Gerald R., Jr., "Disorders of the Shoulder, Volume 1: Shoulder Reconstruction, 3rd edition" English | ISBN: 1451127456 | 2015 | 832 pages | PDF | 437 MB
Designed to address all aspects of shoulder reconstruction, this volume in the Disorders of the Shoulder series provides complete and practical discussions of the reconstructive process - from diagnosis and planning, through surgical and nonsurgical treatments, to outcome and return to functionality. This informative resource offers: comprehensive coverage addresses all aspects of diagnosis and operative management of recurrent or irreparable rotator cuff tears, complications of instability surgery, arthritis, stiff shoulder, shoulder arthroplasty and hemiarthroplasty, management of bone loss, and more; authoritative Guidance from acknowledged leaders; luminaries in the field discuss the evidence on which they base their decision-making and operative strategies; step-by step depictions of procedures in full color; detailed Approach that makes this the ideal resource for shoulder specialists, orthopedic surgeons with an interest in shoulder disorders, orthopedic residents and fellows, and rehabilitation professionals.

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    Re: Disorders of the Shoulder, Volume 1: Shoulder Reconstruction, 3rd edition
    ANDREW 21 Декабрь 2014, 23:43
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    Re: Disorders of the Shoulder, Volume 1: Shoulder Reconstruction, 3rd edition
    Камо 22 Декабрь 2014, 12:13
    Спасибо !
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    Re: Disorders of the Shoulder, Volume 1: Shoulder Reconstruction, 3rd edition
    Гуза Николай 24 Декабрь 2014, 22:22
    Добрый день! Напишите пожалуйста пошагово: как скачать файлообменника.
    Если Вам не сложно, перезалейте пожалуйста на другие файлообменники.
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    Re: Disorders of the Shoulder, Volume 1: Shoulder Reconstruction, 3rd edition
    Гуза Николай 24 Декабрь 2014, 22:37
    Огромное спасибо!
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