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Re: Предстоящие Курсы АО в России в 2015
Алексей Семенистый 16 Апрель 2015, 12:00
Да, большинство АО Курсов, на которые есть международный доступ, проводятся на английском языке.
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    Re: Предстоящие Курсы АО в России в 2015
    Maxim Agalakov 16 Апрель 2015, 13:01
    [ Ответить ]

    • Re: Предстоящие Курсы АО в России в 2015
      Отправитель: Алексей Семенистый. 16 Апрель 2015, 21:09
      Кроме доступа к регистрации на Российские АО Курсы есть и другие преимущества членства в АО, всего за 100 CHF:

      AOTrauma Member Benefits:

      1.Access to member directory

      As an AOTrauma member you have exclusive access to the global member directory. This professional network of orthopedic specialists offers you the ability to identify and locate colleagues within our community on a local and global level.

      2. AOTrauma online videos and lectures

      Advance your knowledge using a variety of multimedia teaching and learning materials accessible to AOTrauma members. Benefit from a wide selection of online educational videos and recorded course lectures.


      The CaseForum symbolizes the essence of the AOTrauma community. It provides our members with a great opportunity for extensive knowledge sharing by online case discussion with fellow members in private groups.

      4.Fellowship opportunities

      AOTrauma offers its members around 200 fellowships for surgeons and 15 fellowships for ORP every year. These Fellowships provide additional experience in AO techniques for fully trained orthopedic or general surgeons and ORP with an interest in trauma. Fellowships are available for 4-8 weeks in designated hospitals around the world.

      Please note: Only members can apply for a fellowship due to the number of placements available. There is no guarantee that membership subscription will secure a fellowship placement.

      5.Free e-books and other book discounts

      Gain access to the exceptional full-color illustrations and instructive text of a variety of free e-books offered exclusively to AOTrauma members. Read online or download and read anywhere on your PC, Apple Mac or iPad.

      Current free e-book offers:

      AO Principles of Fracture Management
      (Ruedi, Buckley, Moran)
      Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nailing (ESIN) in Children
      (Dietz, Schmittenbecher, Slongo, Wilkins)
      Manual of Fracture Management—Hand and Wrist
      (Jupiter, Ring)
      Manual of Soft-Tissue Management
      (Volgas, Harder)

      5.Injury Journal online

      Founded in 1969, Injury is an international journal which deals with all aspects of trauma care and accident surgery. Its primary aim is the exchange of ideas, techniques and information amongst all members of the trauma community.

      6.Journal of Perioperative Practice

      JPP contains a wealth of information and regular features in which evidence based cases and education are discussed. Its focus is solely upon peri-operative practice and is exclusive to ORP. An open learning zone allows you to present any clinical problems or situations from your OR facilitating knowledge sharing and continued improvement of patient care worldwide.

      7.Primal Pictures, 3D human anatomy

      Primal Pictures offers the most complete, detailed and accurate 3D model of human anatomy designs for the use of trauma and orthopedic specialists.
      Benefits of Primal Pictures:

      Help to visualize, comprehend and retain complicated structures
      Provides with a massive and versatile teaching resource
      Offers a reference and an image library
      Is an interactive resource including anatomy images, MRI images, slides, movies and documentation

      8.Selection of Ovid online journals

      Ovid offers outstanding journal collections containing some of the world's most highly-cited and respected content. Full-text access and search capability is included for the following journals:

      Clinical Orthopedics & Related Research
      Current Opinion in Orthopaedics
      Current Orthopaedic Practice
      Journal of Orthopedic Trauma
      Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics
      Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B
      Journal of Spinal Disorders
      Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques
      Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
      Journal of Trauma—Injury, Infection & Critical Care
      Spine: Affiliated Society Meeting Abstracts

      Зарегистрированным пользователям доступны только следующие ресурсы:

      Benefits offered to members and registered users
      AO Surgery Reference

      Access AO Surgery Reference

      AOTrauma news and newsletter

      Benefit from access to AO Foundation news including:

      AO Dialogue

      TK System: Innovations

      AO Foundation Annual Report

      AO/OTA Classification of Fractures

      Webinars and webcasts


      AOTrauma Principles program
      AOTrauma Advances program
      AOTrauma independent eLearning
      Access the AOTrauma eLearning modules

      [ Ответить ]
      • Re: Предстоящие Курсы АО в России в 2015
        Отправитель: maxim agalakov 16 Апрель 2015, 21:26
        У нас служба больше ориентирована на OTA ,но, во многом, они пересекаются. Спасибо за инфу в любом случае

        [ Ответить ]
      • Re: Предстоящие Курсы АО в России в 2015
        Отправитель: maxim agalakov 16 Апрель 2015, 21:29

        [ Ответить ]
        • Re: Предстоящие Курсы АО в России в 2015
          Отправитель: maxim agalakov 16 Апрель 2015, 21:39
          никаких профитов не нашел (нам из села виднее), мир велик, а карго культ АО уже уйдет (несмотря на обилие заявок).

          [ Ответить ]
          • Re: Предстоящие Курсы АО в России в 2015
            Отправитель: Алексей Семенистый. 17 Апрель 2015, 02:50
            Да нет никакого культа. Колхоз дело добровольное)

            [ Ответить ]


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