Антикоагулянты и раневые осложнения |
Прислано Gleb Korobushkin 24 Апрель 2016, 19:33
Несколько раз встречался с публикациями, что антикоакулянты повышают риск развития инфекционных раневых осложнений (SSI - surgical site infection). И вот еще читата из материалов AAOS 2016. Ривароксабан увеличивает в два раза... по сравнению с НМГ... при протезировании ТБС. Есть ли у кого свои собственные наблюдения?
AAOS 2016 Instructional Course
Preventing Hospital Re-admissions and Limiting the Complications Associated with
Total Hip Arthroplasty(pdf, 1,23 Mb) |
Similarly, a multi-center study by Jameson et al comparing low molecular weight heparins for thromboprophylaxis was recently published. English hospital trusts replaced low molecular weight heparin with rivaroxaban for prophylaxis in lower-limb arthroplasty. There were significantly fewer wound complications in the low molecular weight heparin group (2.81% vs 3.85%; p=0.005). There was no difference in rates of pulmonary embolism, major bleeding or all-cause mortality. Jensen et al also noted a greater number of wound complications (1.8% vs 3.94%; p=0.046) in patients receiving rivaroxaban compared to tinzaparin. The morbidity of repeat surgeries associated with rivaroxaban without a reported benefit of fewer pulmonary emboli events is of great concern. The concern is especially relevant as the control or comparison group treatment (low molecular weight heparin) has also been associated with increased wound drainage and infection when compared to other means of thromboembolic disease prevention
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