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Re: Консервативное лечение артрозов?
Sereda Andrey 26 Октябрь 2016, 23:09
A single low-strength70 and a single-moderate strength study71 comparing pulsed electrical stimulation to placebo produced contradictory results. See the results of the Fary et al.70 and Zizic et al.71 articles in table 96. Trock et al.72 conducted a moderate-strength study evaluating pulsed electromagnetic stimulation and found that it did not generate a statistically significant effect on pain during passive motion, but that tenderness and physician’s overall assessment scores were superior in the experimental group. Atamaz et al.73 conducted a moderate-strength study that compared transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), shortwave diathermy, and interferential current to a sham procedure. None of the treatments were associated with statistically significant effects on pain, physical mobility, or ambulation time at four, 12, or 26 weeks. Battisti et al.,74 also in a moderate-strength study, found that therapeutic application of modulated electromagnetic field therapy (TAMMEF) did not produce statistically significant improvements in pain or Lequesne Index scores, compared to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field therapy.
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    Re: Консервативное лечение артрозов?
    Sereda Andrey 26 Октябрь 2016, 23:11
    Просто богатейшая доказательная база по физиотерапии. Одни дид нот, инконклюзив, доу кволити и воз но супериор то пласибо. Ждем публикации ваших физиотерапевтов, несомненно они спасут наших пациентов.
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